Thursday, October 28, 2004

Lethargy + Commitement + Responsibility

It's funny how one can be both hopelessly in need of sleep and yet at the same time still have the energy to do work throughout the rest of the day. Yup, that's a typical workday scenario for me. I'm sure it's not by my own strength. So, big it up for the big J, yo!

I seem to have finished my work yesterday, so this morning when i rocked up to office, there was this "Now, what do i have to do today?" feeling that just popped up. Ok, after some serious thought, then it came back slowly... "ok, check this.", "then check that.", "did i collect this?", "Do i need to send anything to anyone?", "oh yes, waiting for a mail reply.". "Ah... Got it." Well, you know..., all the small, long forgotten tasks starts creeping out from the ground again. The feeling of business mixed with the longing for slacking-in-bunk - Perfect combination.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Super Long OT

I was wondering, if i drew a monthly remuneration in excess of S$6000, would i be hardworking enough to work 15.5 hours in a day...

I basically stepped in at 0730 yesterday morning and worked until 2300! Got held back, first to have a briefing around 5.30pm, and then a conference at 7pm, department meeting at 9.30pm, followed by more paperwork until around 2300. I really couldn't take it any longer, so once i finished my assigned tasks, i asked my immediate superior for permission to excuse myself. But right after, i asked him, i wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do. He, like myself was unwillingly forced, just like the rest of us to work late with boss. I really felt so sorry for him. But C'mon, we are only drawing an average remuneration of less than 10% of what boss is earning, and yet we have to work the same hours. That's such a perfect example of a group of overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated workers. I really feel so frustrated at having to sacrifice my own personal time to do work, and yet at the same time, i empathise for boss and the rest of the branch members who also work very hard. Is this one of the cons of having a 5-day work week?

Friday, October 22, 2004

Last-minute arrow flew and got me good.

*Sigh...* This is really a good time to learn patience, empathy and forgiveness. Just finished being the official watchdog. Super tired... This was a last minute 'arrow'.

Well, apparently someone had some problems at home and needed a substitute. Well, no one likes to entertain last minute requests, so we drew lots. I, of all people had to draw the same 'lucky' lot twice. There's no escaping it, is there? Yep, It's me. Then , just before i stepped out of the office, i was told i didn't have to do it after all, since RSM didn't let the guy go. Ok, fine... Then just as i was packing up my desk to call it a day, i was called before RSM to 'receive' the arrow again, cos the bloke went home after all!

Wah... At this point in time, my blood was really boiling. Haven't been this mad in a LOOOOOOONNNGGG time. Because of him, I CAN'T ATTEND CELL!!! I asked myself: "How can he attempt to play such underhand means to escape his duty?" Then, the obliging side of me took over, so i took a deep breath, and answered RSM, "Okay, I'll do it tonight." Deep inside, i was yelling "WHY?!".

I quickly reported to the duty room, apologising profusely for being late - something which I feel, was in no way my fault. It ended up as me having a 1 hour 45 minutes nap, followed by continuous stretch of duty until morning breaks. Apparently the other blokes are super sound sleepers, and i was too kind to wake them up from their apparently enjoyable sleep. SUPER drained out, i tell you. What a way to end the weekend. I hope this day never revisit me ever again.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Sleep talking after COS Duty

Geez... Sooo tired after handing over duty. Don't know why, but just feeling so damn tired. Get this feeling as though i'm just sleep talking now. Woke up in the wee hours of the morning to lock up the office, only to find 2 buggers still in the office surfing the internet (I suspect it was some porn or illicit material. Why else would he switch it off immediate after i entered the room?), making phone call (in civilian clothes, even...). Naturally i was quite unhappy about this, given that clear instructions were that no one was to loiter around in the offices after midnight. But then the soft side of me took over, and so i just let the incident pass and pretend i'm just sleep walking.

I went back to sleep and woke up again at 5.00am to go to the cookhouse, only to realise that all the other COS had decided to come at 6.00am. No worries, though... Managed to catch a few winks in between sips of Milo. Thank God, I didn't burn my tongue in the process. Then came the Kiwis trooping into the cookhouse at 7.00am. So, no choice... gotta stay there till 7.30am... now i need to find a smoke out place to rest. super tired, can~?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

2nd Duty in 5 days

Gosh... My on duty for the 2nd time in 5 days. By right it should be much of a bother, but i just feel so drained having to do it. Standing in for CS was cool, but somehow having to do my own duty slot is quite a psychological drag. Maybe it's the notion that it would still be a work day the following day , and i've got quite a fair bit of work to follow up on. Good thing though the the other duty personnel, especially the ones who have authority over me are quite slack, so most of the time duty was quite a breeze. Actually i was thinking of calling it a day early , but the S4 some guys were still hanging around the office, so i just left them there. Maybe i'd just finish up, take a nap and come back later to lock up the office.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Sunset by Clarke Quay

Was on my way back home from church and when the MRT train pulled into Outram Park station, it just occured to me that it has been ages since i went to Clarke Quay. So i got onto the North-East Line and came out of Clarke Quay Station to catch this shot of the Singapore River with parts of Clarke Quay and Riverside Point in the background just before dusk set in.