Thursday, February 09, 2006

We've moved

Hi there! In the process of moving stuff around as i want to organise my posts a little better as well as set up a more personal space to share stuff that's closer to my heart and only open to a select few. So, if you haven't got the new blog address, well, i still love you. Just that i prefer a little more personal space. Hee...

Stay tuned for more updates. If you're impatient, you can just email me at and ask me for the new address.

Upcoming Additions:
- From The Cradle Into Eternity
My life story, sort of a mini autobiography of my life so far.

- Cents & Sensibility
A mini column where i dish out some personal financial planning tips, both general and locally focused in Singapore context.

Friday, February 03, 2006

The screen they call a TV

Just read a blog by a friend, sharing about how she started her affair with the colourful screen people call a TV.It's interesting to note how TV, in every aspect from technology to size/format, from genre to production techniques, has transformed so much over the years. It also sort of indicates what sort of 'era' you actually belong to. TV is a philosophy in itself.

Let's compare what kids from different 'era' would watch:

An 'early 1980s' boy - Yours Truly...
I remember growing up to cartoons on TV such as Smurfs, He-Man, Transformers, Captain Planet, and children's programmes like Sesame Street. Along the way, classic Disney cartoons, and i mean those 'not so well drawn' in TecniColor kind, were also quite well received. I used to have a cap with the two Mickey ears on it.

An 'early 1990s' boy - My currently 15 year-old cousin, KJ
My mother used to babysit KJ, so watching him grow up, was a learning experience by itself. KJ used to enjoy watching Power Rangers, Digimon, Pokemon, and some 'fighting' shows on TV. So no prizes for guessing what his favourite action was - Pouncing in front of me and start challenging me to a 'fight'... so i do look like an alien huh? He'll just end up attempting to wrestle me to the ground while i continue to watch mandarin TV serials on TV.

A 'millenium kid' - My 2 year-old nephew
Frankly i don't really have any idea what's the rave among kids now, but Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia seems to have caught on. I once found a couple of kids gathering in front of the TV watching some spinning top cartoon. If anyone has anything to share with regards to this portion, do let me know ya?

So it's like, as though your age can be given away by the mere mention of what you enjoyed as a kid. I mean, try asking yourself:

1) What was your favourite all time TV programme as a kid? How about now?
2) How many hours a week do you spend watching TV, DVD, or VCD?
3) What's your favourite all-time TV artise?

Match them with someone that answers them similarly to yourself. Surprising results...