Thursday, August 26, 2004

Let's get dirty!!

Woah~! Going out into the lush green pastures of Singapore's tropical 'jungle' soon. Ok, yah! Going outfield soon. In fact, we set off in an hours' time.

My first outfield after more than 2 years of slacking in the urban concrete jungle. Heard there's nothing much to do this time round. Perhaps just to hang around and make sure everyone is safe, that the training is conducted safely, keep updated on what's going on... Looking forward to the mozzie bites and cooking maggie noodles outdoors... ^_^

Account Activated

Finally decided to get my fat ass over to the computer peoples' office to activate my user account. My mailbox must be flooded by now. No choice, cos i have to check on the status of my apparently important work. But hey, no one really knows, so i can still buy a few days of time to slack. *kekekeke...*

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Wah! 'Siong~' ah...

My word! Started off the day with a super strenuous PT session. My entire singlet was soaked with prespiration, can? Wah... wonder if i can still hold up my fork and spoon to eat lunch later. Later in the afternoon still have 12 km run for AHM training. I'm gonna be sooo pooped when i get home in the evening.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Finally some activity

After almost 2 weeks of bumming around in the office, it was finally a busy day today. Meeting, after meeting... Only came out of the conference room at 5.30pm. Lots to talk about, but none really concerned me, cos i'm not really into the full swing of things, though there are certain pointers raised which may help me in my duties in the near future. Running in the negative zone when it comes to the 'Vitamin M' department, but still surviving... Apparently the payroll department forgot to credit my pay into my bank account. Hopefully, they'll remember that and back pay me next month, and i'll be super rich then... kekekekeke...

Friday, August 13, 2004

Movie Day

Wow! I have never been on a movie marathon for ages. Went to watch a chinese gongfu movie by Zhang Ziyi, Andy Lau, and Kenishiro Takeshi, followed by another film by TWINS, Jacky Chan, and Edison Chan. The former was nice apart from some lame & anti-climax scenes, the latter was funny but lacked substance in the plot. So overall, it wasn't that good, but still entertaining. :o)

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I'm *snort* down with the *snort* flu...

*SNORT*... Oh no... i think acclimatisation is something that i seriously need to work on. Apparently, i have never failed to catch the flu bug everytime i return to Singapore, thanks to my poor acclimatisation abilities. Good things is, this time it took a little longer - 9 days to be exact. Or was it the fact that i went running under a scorching 2pm sun and went straight back to my airconditioned office after that? (I'm such an idiot when it comes to such things...) And what a 'fantastically wonderful' time to catch the bug too... just as everyone is on an off day for National Day Parade... Everyone would be out enjoying while i have to stay in my office swimming in the heaps of used tissues and nursing my sore nose. Hope ol' doc will give me an MC to stay at home too... then i don't have to be the guard dog in the office and face my ever intimidating boss.

Friday, August 06, 2004

I need some work

Give me something to do!!! Man, I never thought i'd say this, but having nothing to do really sucks. Especially when everyone around you is buzzing around like a bee, busy with work, and here i am, sitting in one corner, stuck with overdue copies of National Geographic. Not that i'm deliberately idling my time away, but there's absolutely nothing for me to do, despite many requests. But i don't blame anyone, cos firstly everything is in a mess! I can't do any work using a computer terminal as i need a smart card that in my personal docket, which somehow failed to make its way to the manpower department I.e. nothing to do except walk around, read something or... go exercise...hmm... might be a good idea...

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Off comes the Civies, On comes the green uniform

Just when i thought i was having the best time of my life, bumming around, doing absolutely nothing, and playing with PS2 games, after a great time in Sydney following the examinations... Along comes the news that a dreaded letter has arrived in my Singapore home - the letter ordering me to report back to the Army. I must say, it is quite a shock, for i have exactly 7 days to pack up everything in Perth and fly back to Singapore to commence the resumption of my service balance. Thank God my uniform still fits...