Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Hillsong Conference 2005 (D-5)

Hillsong Conference 2005, Sydney, Australia
28 Jun 05 (D-5)

06:00am (GMT +0800)
Awoken by the alarm on my mobile to freshen up and pack the necessary toiletries before double-checking and sealing the luggage bag.

07:15am (GMT +0800)
Set off for Changi International Airport to check in for my flight. Decided to take a bus to save money, but realized it wasn’t such a good idea to hop onto a public bus along with the morning crowd. After checking in, I somehow felt apprehensive about the trip even though this is not my first time traveling alone. But I know God is with me through it all, so neither who nor what shall I fear? It’s all in good hands.

09:45am (GMT +0800)
The plane finally took to the skies in the direction of Sydney, Australia, after a brief delay. Lunch was served shortly onboard. The entertainment was passable, so time passed pretty smoothly despite it being a 7.5 hr flight. Had a brief nap after 3 hours into the flight.

19:20pm (GMT +1000)
Finally touched down at Kingsford-Smith International Airport. Travelling light this time, so customs and quarantine clearance was very smooth. Took a train to the city centre to the YWCA hostel before joining the rest of the team at Somerset Darling Harbour on the 30th. The ride cost me a shocking A$11.20. But still, it’s much cheaper than a cab.

21:00 (GMT +1000)
Had a bit finding my way around. Was overconfident about my knowledge of Sydney roads. Decided to pop by a local motel to ask for directions. Finally found my lodging for the night after 15 minutes on foot. Decided not to shower until the next morning (EeeeeEeeeeee…) due to the cold and also the fatique. Decided to have an early night at 21:55pm.


Signing out from Sydney, Australia.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Moment of inspirational blurbing

Was responding to someone's blog entry, when i suddenly came up with an analogy which by now is termed the 'Coconut Theory'. Food for thought.


Sometimes, the more we try to see things simply, we become even more aware of the complexities surrounding them. To me, true simplicity is like enjoying a coconut - You need to drill deep to reach the core to appreciate the real essence. The more we probe and understand the complexities, the simpler it will become. By keeping things simple, perhaps all we can find are the coconut husks, but never reaching the core to appreciate the real stuff within the core? Simplicity in complexity, and vice versa. Food for thought."

Book of the Bible

You are Proverbs
You are Proverbs.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, June 06, 2005

Name origins & Meanings

Interesting to discover how various names came about and what they mean. These are just some of the more common names that i know of. Found yours?

Aaron (M) - Hebrew, Arabic: Shining Light, High Mountain, Messenger
Albert (M) - German: Noble & Bright
Andrew / Andre (M) - Greek, French: Manly, Valiant, Courageous
Andrea (M/F) - Greek: Courageous
Angel (M/F) - Greek: Angelic
Angela (F) - Greek: Heavenly Messenger
Anthony (M) - Latin, Greek: Priceless, Flourishing, Flower, Worthy of Praise
Ashley (F) - Old English: Ash-Tree
Benedict (M) - Blessed
Benjamin (M) - Hebrew: Son of my right hand
Celeste/Celestine (F) - Latin: Heavenly
Charles (M) - Old English: Manly, strong
Christian (M)/Christina (F) - Greek: Annointed, Follows Christ
Christopher (M)/Christine (F) - Greek: Christ-bearer
Colin (M) - Celtic, Greek: Youth, Child, Victor
Constantine (M)/Constance (F) - Latin: Faithful, Firmness
Cornelius (M)/Cornelia (F) - Latin: Horn
Daniel (M)/Danielle (F) - Hebrew: God if my judge
David (M) - Hebrew: Beloved one
Deborah (F) - Hebrew: A bee, To speak kind words
Dennis (M)/Denise(F) - Greek: Of Dionysus
Derrick/Derek (M) - English/Old German: Famous Ruler
Diana (F) - Latin: Divine
Diane (F) - Latin: Celestial Hunter
Dion (M/F) - Greek: God of Wine and Revelry
Donald (M) - Old English: Ruler of the world, Brown Stanger
Edward (M) - Old English: Guardian of prosperity, guardian of the mists
Edwin (M)/Edwina (F) - German: Prosperous Friend, Heir's Axe
Elijah (M)/ Elisha (F) - Hebrew: Jehovah is God
Elizabeth/Elise (F) - Hebrew/German: Consecrated to God
Emil (M)/Emily (F) - Old German, Latin: Industrious, Eager
Erlina (F) - Celtic: Girl from Ireland
Estelle/Stella (F) - Persian, Latin: Star
Francis (M) - Latin, Old French: From France, Free
Frank (M)/Francesca (F) - Latin: Free
Franklin(M) - Old French: Free Man
Gary (M) - Old English, Latin, Teutonic: Spear Carrier
George (M) - Greek: Farmer, To work the land
Ignatius (M) - English: Firey one
Inez (F) - Spansh: Meek
Joab (M) - Hebrew: Praise God
Jacob (M) - Hebrew: Held by the heel
Jack (M) - English: From the name JOHN
Jacqueline (F) - Hebrew: Supplanter
James (M) - Hebrew: Supplanter
Jamie (M/F) - Celtic, Gaelic: From the name JAMES
Jane (F) - Hebrew: Gracious, Merciful, God is gracious
Janice (F) - Hebrew: God is gracious
Joanne (F) - Hebrew: God is gracious
John (M) - Hebrew: God is merciful
Jonathan (M) - Hebrew: Gift of God
Joseph (M)/Josephine (F) - Hebrew: God will increase
Joshua (M) - Hebrew: Jehova Saves
Joy (F) - Old English: Joy
Joyce (F) - Latin: Rejoicing
Keith (M) - Celtic, Welsh: Wood, Wind, Wood-dweller
Kevin (M) - Gaelic: Gentle, Lovable
Kim (M) - Old English: Chief
Kimberley (M/F) - Old English: Land belonging to Cyneburg, royal fortress meadow
Lawrence (M) - Latin: Laurel Crown
Lina (F) - Arabic: Tender
Louis (M)/Louise (F) - Old German: Famed Warrior/Warrior Maiden
Luke (M) - Latin: Bringer of light
Matthew (M) - Hebrew: God's Gift
Margaret (F) - Persian, Latin: Child of light, Pearl
Mark (M) - Latin: Warlike, Hammer, Defender
Mary/Maria (F) - Hebrew: Bitter
Mavis (F) - English: A small bird
Michael (M)/Michaela (F) - Hebrew: Who is like God
Michelle (F) - French: Who is like God?
Nicholas (M)/Nicole (F) - Greek: Victorious People
Pearl (F) - Middle English: Gemstone
Peter (M) - Latin: Rock-Stone
Philip (M) - Greek: Horse Lover
Rachel (F) - Hebrew: Little lamb, an ewe, One with purity
Ruby (F) - Old French: Red Gem
Simon (M) - Hebrew: He who hears
Terence (M) - Latin: Polished, Tender
Tracey (M/F) - English: Brave
Tracy (F) - French: Path, Road
Thomas (M) - Greek: Twin
Victor (M)/Victoria (F) - Latin: Victor

Know of any more?