Monday, June 06, 2005

Name origins & Meanings

Interesting to discover how various names came about and what they mean. These are just some of the more common names that i know of. Found yours?

Aaron (M) - Hebrew, Arabic: Shining Light, High Mountain, Messenger
Albert (M) - German: Noble & Bright
Andrew / Andre (M) - Greek, French: Manly, Valiant, Courageous
Andrea (M/F) - Greek: Courageous
Angel (M/F) - Greek: Angelic
Angela (F) - Greek: Heavenly Messenger
Anthony (M) - Latin, Greek: Priceless, Flourishing, Flower, Worthy of Praise
Ashley (F) - Old English: Ash-Tree
Benedict (M) - Blessed
Benjamin (M) - Hebrew: Son of my right hand
Celeste/Celestine (F) - Latin: Heavenly
Charles (M) - Old English: Manly, strong
Christian (M)/Christina (F) - Greek: Annointed, Follows Christ
Christopher (M)/Christine (F) - Greek: Christ-bearer
Colin (M) - Celtic, Greek: Youth, Child, Victor
Constantine (M)/Constance (F) - Latin: Faithful, Firmness
Cornelius (M)/Cornelia (F) - Latin: Horn
Daniel (M)/Danielle (F) - Hebrew: God if my judge
David (M) - Hebrew: Beloved one
Deborah (F) - Hebrew: A bee, To speak kind words
Dennis (M)/Denise(F) - Greek: Of Dionysus
Derrick/Derek (M) - English/Old German: Famous Ruler
Diana (F) - Latin: Divine
Diane (F) - Latin: Celestial Hunter
Dion (M/F) - Greek: God of Wine and Revelry
Donald (M) - Old English: Ruler of the world, Brown Stanger
Edward (M) - Old English: Guardian of prosperity, guardian of the mists
Edwin (M)/Edwina (F) - German: Prosperous Friend, Heir's Axe
Elijah (M)/ Elisha (F) - Hebrew: Jehovah is God
Elizabeth/Elise (F) - Hebrew/German: Consecrated to God
Emil (M)/Emily (F) - Old German, Latin: Industrious, Eager
Erlina (F) - Celtic: Girl from Ireland
Estelle/Stella (F) - Persian, Latin: Star
Francis (M) - Latin, Old French: From France, Free
Frank (M)/Francesca (F) - Latin: Free
Franklin(M) - Old French: Free Man
Gary (M) - Old English, Latin, Teutonic: Spear Carrier
George (M) - Greek: Farmer, To work the land
Ignatius (M) - English: Firey one
Inez (F) - Spansh: Meek
Joab (M) - Hebrew: Praise God
Jacob (M) - Hebrew: Held by the heel
Jack (M) - English: From the name JOHN
Jacqueline (F) - Hebrew: Supplanter
James (M) - Hebrew: Supplanter
Jamie (M/F) - Celtic, Gaelic: From the name JAMES
Jane (F) - Hebrew: Gracious, Merciful, God is gracious
Janice (F) - Hebrew: God is gracious
Joanne (F) - Hebrew: God is gracious
John (M) - Hebrew: God is merciful
Jonathan (M) - Hebrew: Gift of God
Joseph (M)/Josephine (F) - Hebrew: God will increase
Joshua (M) - Hebrew: Jehova Saves
Joy (F) - Old English: Joy
Joyce (F) - Latin: Rejoicing
Keith (M) - Celtic, Welsh: Wood, Wind, Wood-dweller
Kevin (M) - Gaelic: Gentle, Lovable
Kim (M) - Old English: Chief
Kimberley (M/F) - Old English: Land belonging to Cyneburg, royal fortress meadow
Lawrence (M) - Latin: Laurel Crown
Lina (F) - Arabic: Tender
Louis (M)/Louise (F) - Old German: Famed Warrior/Warrior Maiden
Luke (M) - Latin: Bringer of light
Matthew (M) - Hebrew: God's Gift
Margaret (F) - Persian, Latin: Child of light, Pearl
Mark (M) - Latin: Warlike, Hammer, Defender
Mary/Maria (F) - Hebrew: Bitter
Mavis (F) - English: A small bird
Michael (M)/Michaela (F) - Hebrew: Who is like God
Michelle (F) - French: Who is like God?
Nicholas (M)/Nicole (F) - Greek: Victorious People
Pearl (F) - Middle English: Gemstone
Peter (M) - Latin: Rock-Stone
Philip (M) - Greek: Horse Lover
Rachel (F) - Hebrew: Little lamb, an ewe, One with purity
Ruby (F) - Old French: Red Gem
Simon (M) - Hebrew: He who hears
Terence (M) - Latin: Polished, Tender
Tracey (M/F) - English: Brave
Tracy (F) - French: Path, Road
Thomas (M) - Greek: Twin
Victor (M)/Victoria (F) - Latin: Victor

Know of any more?

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