Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A fulfilling day? Seems like it...

A few snap observations:
1) ICT is about 13 days away and i still have no idea where my stuff are, when i'm gonna finally submit my 'absence from duty' form, and the cloud of procrastination is still upon me...
2) It's been exactly 1.5 months since my last blog entry. That is suuuuupperrr long lor...

Performed the 'biggest' series of overhaul to my lappy today. Actually it was just to streamline it cos it's response is getting slower, prolly due to the increased number of programs installed. Problem with working with several insurance companies is that i need to have ALL their benefit illustration programs installed on my machine. sheesh... why can't anyone come up with something centralised?
Anyway, deleted all the unnecessary 'ling-ling long-long', defrag my hard-drive, performed a virus definition update & scan, installed Windows Defender, upgraded to IE 7.0, organised my desktop stickies a little... if anyone is willing to donate a 3.5" Harddrive enclosure to me, you are gonna be my next best mate for the next 3 months! Been looking to find some place to 'temporarily' store all my moozik (legal & paid for) & piks.

Rushed down to office to finish printing out some materials for appointment later in the evening. But before that, popped by my 'family' optician for a new prescription glasses. They somewhat had to subtlely remind me that my occupation was 'Student' the last time i visited them. Hmm... wonder was i supposed to feel compelled into emotional buying... been pretty sensitive to sales pitches lately... But they still succeeded in getting me to pull out a couple of hundred doles from me wallet... Anyway, saw a big underwriting notice in my office inbox... *sigh... more work...

Met up with my client about 1 hour earlier than expected. Managed to impress him with some housing financial planning (done free-of-charge) but wouldn't it consider it a concluded case, cos there's more research to be done... gotta do something about my figures this week, else me manager wouldn't be too happy looking at a bunch of zeroes on my performance report.

Spent more than 30 minutes waiting for the bus home after the appointment. So decided to take a detour. Ended up spending 3 hours at the airport capitalising on the 'free' electricity and music entertainment to finish up my day's work on my trusty lappy.

Decided to chill and relax for the day. Think i'm gonna get up early tomorrow morning to continue to run some errands and complete my work. See if i can finish up planning another case and arrange for another appointment at lunch.

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