Friday, March 18, 2005

Quietly shedding the kilos

Oh, somehow someone just made my day by sharing with me an observation that resulted in a smile that just wouldn't seem to go away.

Well, Planetshakers was in town for Synergiz Conference, so i invited a former housemate & her friend to come along for the night rally tonight. Turns out to be a short but enjoyable time praising God in the air-conditioned 'tentage' on the lawn of Downtown East. Well, the usual 'supper after some exercise' routine never fails to win me over, so we went for some roti john. That was when my nice housemate whom i have not met since September last year commented that i slimmed down. Ok, i'm a little vain (in a sense), so i was VERY happy. But then again, my face still looks like a mooncake. So i wonder if the comment was just another consolation... Nevertheless, it still perked me up, and made me even more determined to continue the good work & exercise. Even more so, when i look at my desk calendar and realised that i have only 9 months left to clear my IPPT for this year's window.

Ok, *kampate~!!*, *Jia You~!*

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