Wednesday, October 06, 2004

2nd Duty in 5 days

Gosh... My on duty for the 2nd time in 5 days. By right it should be much of a bother, but i just feel so drained having to do it. Standing in for CS was cool, but somehow having to do my own duty slot is quite a psychological drag. Maybe it's the notion that it would still be a work day the following day , and i've got quite a fair bit of work to follow up on. Good thing though the the other duty personnel, especially the ones who have authority over me are quite slack, so most of the time duty was quite a breeze. Actually i was thinking of calling it a day early , but the S4 some guys were still hanging around the office, so i just left them there. Maybe i'd just finish up, take a nap and come back later to lock up the office.

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