Thursday, October 28, 2004

Lethargy + Commitement + Responsibility

It's funny how one can be both hopelessly in need of sleep and yet at the same time still have the energy to do work throughout the rest of the day. Yup, that's a typical workday scenario for me. I'm sure it's not by my own strength. So, big it up for the big J, yo!

I seem to have finished my work yesterday, so this morning when i rocked up to office, there was this "Now, what do i have to do today?" feeling that just popped up. Ok, after some serious thought, then it came back slowly... "ok, check this.", "then check that.", "did i collect this?", "Do i need to send anything to anyone?", "oh yes, waiting for a mail reply.". "Ah... Got it." Well, you know..., all the small, long forgotten tasks starts creeping out from the ground again. The feeling of business mixed with the longing for slacking-in-bunk - Perfect combination.

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