Friday, October 22, 2004

Last-minute arrow flew and got me good.

*Sigh...* This is really a good time to learn patience, empathy and forgiveness. Just finished being the official watchdog. Super tired... This was a last minute 'arrow'.

Well, apparently someone had some problems at home and needed a substitute. Well, no one likes to entertain last minute requests, so we drew lots. I, of all people had to draw the same 'lucky' lot twice. There's no escaping it, is there? Yep, It's me. Then , just before i stepped out of the office, i was told i didn't have to do it after all, since RSM didn't let the guy go. Ok, fine... Then just as i was packing up my desk to call it a day, i was called before RSM to 'receive' the arrow again, cos the bloke went home after all!

Wah... At this point in time, my blood was really boiling. Haven't been this mad in a LOOOOOOONNNGGG time. Because of him, I CAN'T ATTEND CELL!!! I asked myself: "How can he attempt to play such underhand means to escape his duty?" Then, the obliging side of me took over, so i took a deep breath, and answered RSM, "Okay, I'll do it tonight." Deep inside, i was yelling "WHY?!".

I quickly reported to the duty room, apologising profusely for being late - something which I feel, was in no way my fault. It ended up as me having a 1 hour 45 minutes nap, followed by continuous stretch of duty until morning breaks. Apparently the other blokes are super sound sleepers, and i was too kind to wake them up from their apparently enjoyable sleep. SUPER drained out, i tell you. What a way to end the weekend. I hope this day never revisit me ever again.

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